What It’s Like

To be a published memoirist…

I am in shock . . . When I Was Her Daughter hit Amazon’s #1 New Release in five  categories: Schizophrenia, Adoption, Survival Biographies, Self Help Inner Child, and Popular Psychology Mental Illness Books. 

My virtual book launch party was a hit. My heart was filled with joy as I had an opportunity (albeit via Zoom) to be with so many of my favorite people–my friends and family—who have been with me every step of the way, cheering me on, editing my scenes, and adding to the richness of my life. I want to mention the amazing Hayli Nicole Rutledge here–I couldn’t have asked for a better host. She helped me prepare, calmed my nerves, and facilitated the best Zoom party and interview ever. 

For about a minute,  my book officially hit the Amazon Top 10 Bestseller list in the adoption category. It got bumped so fast, I’m not sure how I managed to capture a screenshot! It really doesn’t matter anyway–once a bestseller, always a bestseller . . . RIGHT?

My parents and I had a nice, low-key celebration at Cheesecake Factory in Orange County when I visited them earlier in the month. I continue to be amazed and in awe of these two unbelievably generous, loving, and supportive people. And if you’ve read my book, or if you know my parents, you know exactly what I mean. You know exactly why I feel I can never thank them enough for all they’ve done for me. They’ve rescued dogs and cats over the years, too. It’s just what they do. It was such a beautiful, lucky thing that I happened to be in the right place at the right time. And now my life is changed forever because these two decided to be strong, loyal, and committed to a stringy-haired preteen in need of a safe place to go.

Last week, my first bulk order of author copies arrived, and I made a video. You can check my website later if you want to see me being gooney and talking to my phone camera (i.e. to myself) about this special delivery. I have yet to master the art of creating videos to share on social media. But I press on . . . I will get better at it. I hope. 

Numerous people have reached out to me, sharing their thoughts about my memoir and posting pictures and reviews all over social media. I am grateful to every single one of you. It is because of you, my reader, that my book is doing so well. This is only the beginning as I hope my book finds its way to everyone who needs it. 

Technically, I was a published author before my book-length memoir was released. However, now that this story is out there in its entirety, I feel like I’ve officially earned the label. My best friend even bought me a coffee mug; now, in the morning when I’m sipping my coffee, my newest (and new fave) piece of pottery can remind me. It’s a little hard to read, but it says, “This is what a published author looks like.” 

Proof of my memoir ranking #1 Bestselling Status

WHEN I WAS HER DAUGHTER: A MEMOIR is available everywhere. You can purchase from your favorite online and digital retailers, or you can order from your local bookstore.


“Becoming lost in an unknown world seemed like such an easy thing to do.”

—FROM When I Was Her Daughter: A Memoir

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